Friday, February 22, 2019


The purpose of this study was to develop and validate, a face validity and a reliability of
measures “Students' perceptions about effective teaching “based on Subject matter knowledge,
respectfulness towards students, organization, responsive, Communications skills and
approachability of the teacher. Students’ evaluation of teaching is one of the established
components of the quality education system. This study tries to assess the characteristics and
teaching behaviors, which describe effective teachers as perceived by the students. Quality of
teaching, individual teacher’s facilitation style, teacher’s ability to engage classroom, teacher’s
ability to motivate student’s impact on student’s learning (Hamid & Pihie, 2004; Akram &
Zepeda, 2015).

Dimension of Effective Teaching:

Subject matter knowledge: Teachers’ understanding of the lessons, its concept, issues
and ability to address students’ questions reflect the level of teacher’s subject matter knowledge.
An effective teacher provides learning objectives and explain learning outcomes of subjects,
conduct class based on curriculum, links, and subject knowledge with practical applications, use
different methodology to communicate and facilitate concepts of the chapters.
Respectfulness towards students: Effective teachers are supportive in nature and they
respect the concern of the students. They motivate and encourage students’ attention towards
class lessons. An effective teacher encourages a discussion in the classroom and is comfortable
to have an informal conversation with students outside of classroom to clarify subject contents.
They should value students’ opinions about lessons and must clarify students' concerns and
Organization: How well teacher prepared for the class reflect effectiveness of the class.
An effective teacher has set of classroom rules to establish disciplined environment, which helps
students to learn course content and also organizes class room discussions to ensure participating
of all the students in order to improve learning of the students. The timely availability of the
teacher’s impact on students learning.
Responsive: Effective teaching takes place when teacher’s become responsive towards
their duty. An effective teacher comes with all the necessary teaching instruction in the
classroom and provides relevant chapters’ assignments, which helps students to think critically in
the subject area. They clearly communicated about grading criteria in the classroom and do
grades fairly all the assignments of the students timely. An effective teacher provides detailed
feedback to students to improve the students’ progress in the course. They should contribute
learning of the students in the classroom as well as outside of classroom.
Communicative skills: Effective teachers communicate clearly and effectively with
students. They listen to the students and clarifies students' concern in simple language so that
students can understand. An effective teacher explains difficult concepts of the course in a simple
language and interacts effectively with students in the classroom. The effective teacher
encourages two way communications during the class lecture and discussion.
Approachability: The availability of the teachers to respond students concern impacts on
students' perception of effective teaching. Effective teacher is available to answer students’
questions about the course beyond class time and office hours and also responds, student
positively via email or phone to clarify the student's concern. The effective teacher listens to
individual student's question and responds timely.
The total 29 items were developed to analyze student’s perceptions towards effective teaching
under 6 dimensions.
Face Validity:
Face Validity refers to the extent to which a test appears to measure what it is intended to
measure. A developed research items were sent to two panels: Dr. Bharat Bhatta and Jaya Jung
Mahat via email to evaluate it. Mr. Jaya Jung Mahat is Visiting Faculty at Department of
International Relations and Diplomacy, Tribhuvan University and King’s College. He had
Master in public policy and had experienced as a Data Analyst, from Microsoft ASEAN
CityNext Project, Singapore, and worked as Research Coordinator in Daayitwa and published
dozens of research publications. Bharat P. Bhatta, who has a doctoral degree in applied
economics, and had over 15 years of proven experience in development, management,
monitoring and evaluation of development programs. Currently, he is heading the research
department at King’s College.
They responded after 2 days with suggestion and feedback. They determined whether
developed items under each dimension are fit into it or not. Then after they evaluate all items in
overall to see whether all items intend to measure teaching effectiveness or not. The items,
clarity and redundancy of items were evaluated. They concluded that the developed items were a
valid measure to measure teaching effectiveness. It tries to cover all the aspects of quality
teaching and items are well structured. They provided comprehensive feedbacks on each item.
Some of the questions are repeated, thus it was suggested to remove. Double barred questions
were suggested to restructure. Hence after experts reviewed, total numbers of items were set to
Thus below table summarized their feedback along with updated items. The questioner
listed in the Final Questioners column were used to collect data from respondents.
Table 1: Summary of expert feedback and update in the questioner’s
Original Question Final Questioners Update: Reason
An effective teacher provides
detailed syllabus to explain
learning outcomes of subjects.
An effective teacher provides
learning objectives including
learning outcomes, detailed
syllabus and teaching methods of
his/her subject at the beginning
of the course to explain learning
outcomes of subjects.
For an effective learning,
students must know the structure
of the courses including teaching
methodology. It helps students to
plan their course in advance. It
helps students to know about
their expectation from the
courses. It helps to direct
classroom discussion and
contributed in effecting teaching.
An effective teacher provides
relevant examples to clarify
student’s questions.
An effective teacher provides
relevant/ practical examples to
clarify student’s questions.
To link theory with the real life
experiences and also to clarify
the students’ questions: By
providing examples, we aim to
connect and check students’
learning with the real life
An effective teacher is able to
explain the key concept of the
chapters to foster learning of
the students.
An effective teacher is able to
explain the key concept of the
chapters to foster learning of the
No changes
An effective teacher executes
different instructional
strategies like group
discussion, presentation,
project work to stimulate
learning of the students in the
subject area
An effective teacher executes
different instructional
methodology like group
discussion, illustration with case
studies, presentation, and project
work to stimulate learning of the
students in the subject area.
Case studies can be a very
effective classroom technique.
Students apply their learning,
knowledge and skills to solve
practical problems. It enhances
the learning of the students. It’s
more methodology rather than
An effective teacher presents
the subject matter in an
interesting way through
examples thus helping students
to connect with real world
An effective teacher presents the
subject matter in an interesting
way through examples thus
helping students to connect with
real world problems.
No changes
Respectful to students
An effective teacher listens to
students’ points of views, and
respect it whether he/she
agrees or not.
An effective teacher listens to
students’ points of views
whether he/she agrees or not.
The second part already covered
by following questions.
An effective teacher values
students question and
encourage a healthy
discussion in the classroom.
An effective teacher values
student’s question. To remove double barrel
questions. It creates confusion in
the respondents thus it should be
break into two statements.
An effective teacher encourage a
discussion in the classroom.
An effective teacher is
comfortable to have informal
conversation with students to
clarify subject contents.
An effective teacher is
comfortable to have informal
conversation with students
outside of classroom to clarify
subject contents.
Students’ learning could be
enhanced through engaging them
through informal conversations
both within the class and outside.

An effective teacher provides
an equal opportunity to all the
students to collaborate in the
An effective teacher provides an
equal opportunity to all the
students to participate in the
subject discussions.
Participation is key. Effective
teacher encourages participation
of students in the classroom.
An effective teacher organizes
class room discussions to
ensure participating of all the
students in order to improve
learning of the students.
An effective teacher organizes
class room discussions to ensure
participating of all the students
in order to improve learning of
the students.
No changes
An effective teacher has set of
classroom rules to establish
disciplined environment,
which helps students to learn
course content.
An effective teacher has set of
classroom rules to establish
disciplined environment, which
helps students to learn course
No changes
An effective teacher organizes
a course material to help
students to achieve courses
learning outcomes.
An effective teacher organizes a
course material to help students
to achieve courses learning
No changes
An effective teacher comes and
leaves classroom on time.
An effective teacher comes in
the classroom on time.
It’s a Double barred questions.
It’s should be separately
An effective teacher leaves questioned.
classroom on time.
An effective teacher
completes all the relevant
chapters on time.
An effective teacher completes
all the relevant chapters on time.
No changes
An effective teacher comes
with all the necessary
teaching instructional in the
An effective teacher comes with
all the necessary teaching
instructional in the classroom.
No changes
An effective teacher provides
relevant chapters assignments,
which helps student to think
critically in the subject area.
An effective teacher provides
relevant chapters assignments,
which helps student to think
critically in the subject area.
No changes
An effective teacher
communicated about grading
criteria and do grading of all
the students fairly as per
An effective teacher
communicated about grading
criteria in the classroom.
The second part covered by
following questions.
An effective teacher grades
fairly all the assignments of
the students timely.
An effective teacher grades
fairly all the assignments of the
students timely
No changes
An effective teacher provides
timely and detailed feedback
to students to improve the
students’ progress in the
An effective teacher provides
timely feedback to assignments.
To remove double barrel
questions. It creates confusion in
the respondents thus it should
An effective teacher provides break into two statements.
detailed feedback to students to
improve the students’ progress in
the course
Communicative skills
An effective teacher explains
difficult concepts of the
course in a simple language.
An effective teacher explains
difficult concepts of the course
in a simple language.
No changes
An effective teacher speaks
clearly and interacts
effectively with students in
the classroom.
An effective teacher speaks
clearly in the classroom.
To remove double barrel
questions. It creates confusion in
the respondents thus it should
break into two statements.
An effective teacher interacts
effectively with students in the
An effective teacher
encourages two way
communications during the
class lecture and discussion.
An effective teacher encourages
two way communications during
the class lecture and discussion.
No changes
An effective teacher is
available to answer student’s
questions about course
beyond class time and office
An effective teacher is available
to answer student’s questions
about course beyond class time
and office hours
No changes
An effective teacher responds
student positively via email or
phone to clarify students
An effective teacher responds
student positively via email or
phone to clarify students concern.
No changes
An effective teacher listens to
individual students question
and ready to meet without
An effective teacher listens to
individual students question and
ready to meet without
No changes
A 5-point Likert type scale is used to collect data from the students, where 1= Strongly
Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree. All the questioners were
collected from the students using convenience sampling. All the completed questionnaires were
screened manually and data were coded into SPSS 16.0. To test the reliability of the formulated
questioners, we used Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha. The range of Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha
is 0 to +1, and the value of Alpha conclude degree of internal consistency of the questioners. The
Cronbach‘s coefficient alpha was calculated for each dimension of the questionnaire.
Following Table shows the values of Cronbach's Alpha for each dimensions of the
Table 2: Reliability of the Study
Dimensions No. items Cronbach's Alpha equals
Knowledgeable 5 0.744
Respectful to Students 5 0.755
Organized 6 0.728
Responsive 6 0.740
Communicative skills 4 0.759
Approachable 3 0.833
Reliability of the overall Questioners 29 0.919
For the dimensions, values of Cronbach's Alpha were in the range from 0.740 and 0.833.
Reliability of each dimensions were greater than 0.700 thus all the items under dimensions were
considerable. The result ensures the reliability of each field of the questionnaire. Cronbach's
Alpha equals 0.919 for the entire questionnaire. It reflects high consistency among developed
The purpose of this study was to develop construct on “Students Perception about
Effective Teaching”. A total 29 items were developed under 6 dimensions. A face validity was
conducted with the help of two panels. Based on their feedbacks, items were updated and final
questioner were developed. In order to test reliability of the study, Cronbach’s Alpha was
calculated. The calculated Cronbach’s alpha for each dimension is greater than 0.7 thus it reflects
high consistency among items under each dimensions. The Cronbach’s alpha for the study is
0.919. It resulted high consistency among developed items.
Appendix 1
Final Questioners
Dear Respondent,
I highly appreciate your corporations and also kindly request you to provide answers as
accurately as possible. I assure your response will be highly confidential and will be used for
research proposal only.

Thank you and regards,
Bikram Prajapati.
An effective teacher provides learning objectives
including learning outcomes, detailed syllabus and
teaching methods of his/her subject at the beginning of the
course to explain learning outcomes of subjects.
An effective teacher provides relevant/ practical examples
to clarify student’s questions.
An effective teacher is able to explain the key concept of
the chapters to foster learning of the students.
An effective teacher executes different instructional
methodology like group discussion, illustration with case
studies, presentation, and project work to stimulate
learning of the students in the subject area.
An effective teacher presents the subject matter in an
interesting way through examples thus helping students to
connect with real world problems.
Respectful to students
An effective teacher listens to students’ points of views
whether he/she agrees or not.
An effective teacher values student’s question.
An effective teacher encourage a discussion in the
An effective teacher is comfortable to have informal
conversation with students outside of classroom to clarify
subject contents.
An effective teacher provides an equal opportunity to all
the students to participate in the subject discussions.
An effective teacher organizes class room discussions to
ensure participating of all the students in order to improve
learning of the students.
An effective teacher has set of classroom rules to establish
disciplined environment, which helps students to learn
course content.
An effective teacher organizes a course material to help
students to achieve courses learning outcomes.
An effective teacher comes in the classroom on time.
An effective teacher leaves classroom on time.
An effective teacher completes all the relevant chapters on
An effective teacher comes with all the necessary teaching
instructional in the classroom.
An effective teacher provides relevant chapters
assignments, which helps student to think critically in the
subject area.
An effective teacher communicated about grading criteria
in the classroom.
An effective teacher grades fairly all the assignments of
the students timely.
An effective teacher provides timely feedback to
An effective teacher provides detailed feedback to
students to improve the students’ progress in the course.
Communicative skills
An effective teacher explains difficult concepts of the
course in a simple language.
An effective teacher speaks clearly in the classroom.
An effective teacher interacts effectively with students in
the classroom.
An effective teacher encourages two way communications
during the class lecture.
An effective teacher is available to answer student’s
questions about course beyond class time and office hours
An effective teacher responds student positively via email
or phone to clarify students concern.
An effective teacher listens to individual students question
and ready to meet without appointments.
Akram, M., & Zepeda, S. J. (2015). Development and Validation of a Teacher Self-assessment
Instrument. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education, 9(2), 134-148.
Hamid, J. A., & Pihie, Z. A. (2004). Students' Perception of the Quality of Teaching and
Learning in Business Studies Programs. Pertanika J. Soc.Sci.& Hum, 12(1), 71-86. 

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